Anne-Marie Edgell
A parent of two sons who attended Lancing College, Anne-Marie has been involved in the school for over twenty years and has served as a Governor for thirteen of them. During that time, she developed a close and enduring relationship with both staff and pupils and worked on not only the educational aspects of the College but also the wider areas of staff relations, health and safety, risk and safeguarding. As the lead Safeguarding Governor, she was closely involved with and witnessed first-hand the ‘excellent pastoral care and high level of commitment to the welfare and wellbeing of both staff and pupils’ and describes her time as being 'enriching and rewarding.’
During her time as Governor, Anne-Marie has enjoyed seeing the increase in the number of girls and their successful integration into school life. She describes the acquisition of the Prep Schools, the transformation of the Sussex pad into a thriving Nursery, the launch of the Foundationers Programme and the completion of the Chapel as milestone moments. She praises the inspirational leadership of Dominic Oliver in helping the College to flourish and raise its profile both at home and abroad.
Anne-Marie read law at Edinburgh University and qualified as a solicitor in 1974. Her career led her across Europe to work in several posts. She was awarded a scholarship to study European Law at the University of Ghent in Belgium and later worked in different departments of the European Commission. She returned to the UK and was employed by a leading firm of City solicitors in London – working mainly in their Paris office dealing with EEC law and International Arbitration disputes. She later relocated to Hong Kong with her husband where her two sons were born. Recently retired, Anne-Marie enjoys spending time with friends and family, who are most important to her.