Martin SLumbers

Martin Slumbers, OL

Field’s 1973-1978, Chair of Governing Body

Martin Slumbers was appointed Chief Executive of The Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St Andrews in 2015. One of his early achievements there has been the design, development and implementation of a five-year strategic plan for the organisation. He has also driven a number of initiatives to bring more women and girls to play and work in golf including the launch of the Women in Golf Charter in 2018. 

Martin was born in Brighton and after Lancing gained a BSc in Production Engineering and Economics from the University of Birmingham. He qualified as a Chartered Accountant with Price Waterhouse in London before embarking on a career in investment banking. He spent 12 years working for Salomon Brothers International in London and Hong Kong, becoming Chief Financial Officer in Asia and then Europe. In 1998, he joined Deutsche Bank and served in a number of senior executive roles. He was appointed Global Head of Deutsche Bank’s Investment Banking Operations in 2006 and the following year as Global Head of Global Business Services. 

Martin says, 'I have always believed that a Lancing education creates a global citizen, it prepares young people to embrace the world they are going into and gives them the tools and knowledge to be successful in whatever way they wish to design success. 

I am confident that Lancing provides an environment of learning that gives pupils a framework to think, analyse and challenge an ever more complex world. Lancing and through my Housemaster and Mathematics teacher gave me life skills that I only realised about a decade after leaving. Whether that was the inner confidence of my own ability or starting to learn leadership skills as a Head of House, it was these foundations that proved so resilient as my career started.'