Shirin Gerami, OL
Shirin first discovered the joy of swimming at Lancing College. She caught a glimpse of the swim squad training and wished she could swim. She mustered enough courage to approach the swim coach and asked if she could join, even though she did not know how to swim. Ian Newell asked her to swim a length. After observing her half drowning yet determinedly making it to the other side of the pool he said: 'I like your enthusiasm' and allowed her to join the squad of Olympic hopefuls and taught her how to swim.
Her first run was a 2k loop from the back of Field’s to the Chapel. Prior to that, she did not know her lungs were capable of catching fire. Running made it possible for her to go deeper in the beautiful countryside surrounding her. Plenty of weekend role calls were missed as she lost herself to the Downs, forgetting the time only to sprint back at full speed to a Mrs Dugdale baffled by what to do with Shirin’s complete inability to keep time.
Since Lancing, sports have become an integral part of Shirin’s life, and her dream is to share sport’s joy, power and benefits with more communities, globally.
No doubt, what has shaped Shirin most at Lancing College are the people in it. From her coaches, teachers, housemistress, life-long friends, and also friends and peers that she has regretfully lost touch with. Lancing is an important foundation of her life which she cherishes and draws from to this day.
The photograph is special to her as it features her bike, a symbol of what has given her wings in life. She also wore items to the shoot representing all those who have shaped her and taught her how to fly.