Geanina Savu (Handford 2020-2022)


Lancing College opened some amazing prospects for me. Being the first member of my family to pursue a higher education, the foundation programme enabled me, coming from a low-income household with a dysfunctional family dynamic, to become the best version of myself and shoot for the stars.  

Since Lancing College, I have enrolled at City university. I am in my second year studying BSc International Politics and I work as a student ambassador. In my first year of university, I have become a member of the #youthgathering UK and shortly after I founded the EU Affairs Society, where I am the president working closely with the EU Delegation Department to enhance and end the stigma and division between citizens in the UK.  

I am an aspiring Diplomat with a passion for change and desire to develop opportunities for indigenous people. Without my experience at Lancing College and the opportunities I was given to focus my studies, network and develop my knowledge about politics and diplomacy, my aspirations wouldn’t be possible. I am motivated to reach my goals and I am grateful for the networking opportunities the OL network has provided me since I left the college.