There are various ways in which you can make a donation to the Foundation, whatever its size, your gift is important to us and the cumulative effect can be astonishing.
If you would like to make a regular gift you can set up a Direct Debit by completing a donation form. Regular donations over a number of consecutive years can be paid monthly, quarterly or annually and are extremely important to the work of the Foundation, as they provide a predictable income which allows for better planning
If you would like to make a donation by Cheque or Bank Transfer please complete a donation form, ensuring you complete the Gift Aid details which will increase the value of your donation. Forms should be returned to the Foundation Office at Lancing College.
If you would prefer to make your donation online you can make a single donation with a debit or credit card through PayPal. If you chose to make a donation in this way, it would help us if you would also complete a donation form, and return it to the Foundation Office at Lancing College.
With any cash/cheque/bank transfer donation we would encourage UK taxpayers to use the Gift Aid scheme at no extra cost. Tax-efficient giving makes your donation go further by allowing the recovery of tax already paid by you to HMRC. If you are a UK taxpayer, the Lancing Foundation receives an additional £25 for every £100 you give. If you pay income tax at the higher rate, you must include all your Gift Aid donations on your Self Assessment tax return, if you want to receive the additional tax relief due to you.
In accordance with charity regulations, where a preference has been indicated, and in the unlikely event that a gift for that purpose becomes surplus or unusable, the Head Master will apply the proceeds for the general purposes of the school. You can read our Donations Policy here.
The Foundation registered charity number is 1076483
USA Residents International Donations To make a donation from outside the UK, full details can be found on this form International donations form
Lancing is registered with the British Schools and Universities Foundation (BSUF) in the USA, a charitable organisation under section 501(c)(3) in order to maximise the tax benefits to our US donors. Full details can be found on the form below, or for further information please contact the Foundation Office. BSUF form
Gifts left to Lancing in a Will are highly tax-effective and in the future are likely to provide substantial funds to support the College's longer term objectives. For more information about leaving a legacy please click here. If you would like further information about the Lancing 1848 society, please click here.
Stocks and Shares
There are benefits for both the donor and the Foundation when shares are given. Please contact Catherine Reeve in the Foundation Office on +44 (0)1273 465786 or for further information. You can download a shares donation form here.
Company Matching Gift schemes
Many companies will match an individual employee's gift to a charity. Please inform the Foundation Office if your company offers this scheme.
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