Babies begin to take notice of the world around them – and to interact with it – from their very earliest days. Parents will always recall with much affection the first time their child experienced the delight of bubbles being blown and popped, snowflakes landing softly on their outstretched fingers or ducks quacking around their feet waiting to be fed duck food. These are all ‘magic moments’ and it is the aim of Little Lancing that more of these magic moments permeate the child’s experience at nursery.
Our new extension, The Nest, is now fully up and running and has transformed the Explorers Room for our room for the youngest babies into a superb space. Our plans for Forest School are now back in the planning stage, after the pandemic played havoc with timescales and training. We hope the next edition of The Quad will show it in action!
This term we have been able to reintroduce more of our walks on the Lancing College estate for our Pre-School children. Back in the nursery garden, our would-be gardeners are keen to grow green fingers, as they plant out vegetables in our new allotment corner. Some of the older children had a great idea to make their own wheelbarrow and transported objects around the garden. They also used it as a prop in their imaginative play. The younger children got their hands dirty on International Mud Day, gardening, cooking and painting the fence posts with glorious, squelchy mud. At a time when we are still constantly washing hands and sanitising surfaces, it was a joy to see and will have given their immune systems a boost at the same time!
We continue to develop the creativity, capability and concentration skills of all these curious little minds. The children developed their fine and gross motor skills out in the fresh air with a large scale painting outdoors using a variety of media, they focused on adult-led loose parts play to develop an understanding of how things work. There have been some wonderful framed creations in Pre-School!
Numbers at Little Lancing continues to grow apace and we now have 121 children enrolled. In early June, we welcomed the 100th child be attending the nursery in the current cohort and delighted her and her mother with the gift of a Little Lancing canvas bag, drinking bottle and T shirt to mark this milestone. We will, a little sadly, say goodbye to some of our Pre-Schoolers in August as they head off to Reception classes, well prepared for the step-up to full-time school and we are working to welcome a fresh intake in September, which will mark our second anniversary. It’s been an extraordinary two years in which we continue to navigate our way through the pandemic. It is heartening to see so many of our children thriving and that we are becoming so sought-after for high quality childcare.