Which A Levels did you study?
I studied English Literature, Psychology, Religious Studies, Art and Design.
If you went to university, where did you go and what did you study? If you didn’t go to university, what did you do instead?
I studied Philosophy at the University of Nottingham. I then completed a Masters in Law and Business in London.
What are you doing now and what plans do you have for the future?
I am a Commercial Real Estate Lawyer at CMS Cameron McKenna LLP and recently completed a client secondment at M&G Real Estate.
What influence has Lancing College had on your life?
Lancing encouraged me to work hard and offered me support to prepare me for university. The College also encouraged me to excel in sports and other extra-curricular activities.
Which hobbies or interests did you pick up during your time at Lancing?
I played for the Lancing football, cricket and basketball teams whilst at Lancing. I also took part in other activities such as CCF, Yearbook Editorial Team and I was a Peer Supporter too.
Are you still in touch with people you met at Lancing?
Yes - I tend to see my Lancing peers at OL and social events.
Which OL activities have you taken part in since you left?
I have played in OL sports events such as OL Football and OL Cricket week. I have attended Young OL Drinks, the summer AGM and OL Business events such as the law networking drinks.
What advice would you give to a new pupil who is about to start at Lancing?
Lancing is a school where you have the opportunity to be involved in many activities, societies and sports, so make the most of it! Doing so will make your time at Lancing one to remember, and it will set you up for university life or whichever path you take following Lancing.