This term, the CCF said farewell to the Fifth and Upper Sixth Form cadets as they embarked on their exams. Several senior cadets received prizes on Founder’s Day, and the first presentation of the Sword of Honour took place. To round off the end of term, our Upper Sixth enjoyed a farewell curry with their instructors.

The Fourth Form and Lower Sixth Form have been diligently working on completing their respective CCF syllabi. The focus this term has been on fieldcraft, with an emphasis on teamwork, problem-solving, and decision-making. The culmination of the syllabus was the summer overnighter - a great opportunity to put all these skills into practice.
Commenting on the overnight expedition, student and cadet Sofiia Shepetiuk said:
"A challenging but enriching adventure, the CCF overnight exercise at Longmoor was an extraordinary experience! With a wide array of tasks set for us over the span of 24 hours in the training camp, we got to apply not only creativity and problem-solving at their finest when setting up bashers between the tree stumps, but also courage when advancing quickly on the ambush exercise, with a firm intention to 'trap the enemy.' Preparation for the exercise started weeks beforehand, with cadets learning various techniques on skillful camouflage and concealment, which proved to be very helpful when we got to patrol the harbour, navigating our way stealthily through terrains of all sorts during the first night of the exercise.
An especially vivid memory for me was moving through the woods late at night on our way to set up an ambush against some of the teachers. With radios, webbing packed with magazines, and rifles held firmly in our hands, my fellow cadets and I moved cautiously, hiding behind the shrubbery, ready to switch to quick running when crossing an open area of deep sand. With adrenaline pumping from all the excitement, we were working as one group, relying on each other, and definitely ready to 'fight' rather than 'flight,' which really made it feel like a military experience.
After an eventful day, the bashas offered the cadets a dry shelter for the night. With a little bit of stargazing (and for the luckier ones, a mini-lecture in astronomy from Mr. East, too), the two platoons, along with the NCOs, tired but enthusiastic, tucked up in what seemed to me like the most welcoming sleeping bag of all, knowing that the next day would offer some more exciting thrills.
Going on such overnighters and being able to have such remarkable experiences is a big privilege, as I believe it teaches students the importance of teamwork early on, and the ever-growing sense of camaraderie among the participants is just one of many ways that the CCF empowers the pupils of Lancing College."
You can read more about the CCF term highlights in the latest edition of The Quad, Lancing College's termly magazine.