Drama Students Shine in Dynamic Production of 'Us And Them'

Lancing College's talented drama students kicked off the year with a powerful production of Us And Them, a dynamic play by David Campton that delves into complex themes of division and conflict. The performances not only showcased the students' acting abilities but also highlighted their dedication to mastering the art of stagecraft.

Us And Them tells the compelling story of two groups of wanderers who begin with a mutual understanding but gradually succumb to suspicion and mistrust. As they construct a wall between their territories, the tension escalates, ultimately leading to conflict. The play serves as a poignant reflection on how divisions can emerge, even among those who initially seek harmony.

Us And Them, by David Campton, heralded the start of the new dramatic year and was a Curtain Raisers production. Pupils signed up to take part at the end of the summer term, learned their lines over the summer holiday and then rehearsed the one act play in the opening fortnight of term. The performers played a full part in the creative decision-making process, for example incorporating suggestions about back projections, choice of music, and blocking and movement on stage, as well as selecting their costumes. There were two performances to large houses, with very positive feedback from members of the audience about the actors’ achievements in such a short span of time.

Mr Matt Smith, Director of Dance and Drama

This production was particularly notable for its physically demanding sequences, which challenged the students to push their boundaries and explore new techniques. Under the guidance of Mr Matt Smith, the students engaged in intense choreography and stage fighting, learning how to convey emotion and tension through movement, voice, and expression. This opportunity allowed the students to grow as performers, fostering teamwork and creativity as they worked together to bring Campton's dynamic vision to life.

The success of Us And Them exemplifies Lancing College's commitment to nurturing the performing arts and encouraging students to explore challenging and meaningful narratives. As the school year progresses, we look forward to more exciting productions from our talented drama students.