Fifth Form Art and Photography Students Take On The Tate

On 7 January, the Fifth Form Photography and Art students visited the Tate Modern to explore ideas for their externally set assignment. We visited the second floor first and explored the ‘in the studio’ and ‘artist and society’ parts of the collection. I really loved the Cezanne and Matisse in the exhibit, but also discovering new artists like Ming Wong and Sylvia Sleigh.
After a quick lunch break — and some haphazard tableside sketching — we regrouped to visit the fourth floor and ticked ‘Media networks’ off our checklist. I was incredibly excited to see a Kirchner, Matisse, and Degas’ ‘Fourteen-year-old ballet dancer’ all in one room.
Having maxed out the space in my photos app, we gathered and returned to Lancing. Every student who went agreed it was not only incredibly helpful in directing us to our exam journey, but a very exciting trip. The Fifth Formers are now thinking about organising their own art trips and making this a weekly occurrence!
Written by Ciara H, Fifth Form