The Property Business Network was well attended by OLs and pupils on Thursday 12 May and took place at 39 Essex Chambers in London.

The panel of five OLs who work in the Property sector was chaired by Neesha Gopal (Manor 1983 - 1985) and represented by Aldous Hodgkinson (Head's 1975 - 1979), Philip Mitchell (Field’s 1992 – 1997), Richard Bayliss (Second's 2002 - 2007) and Polly Graham (Field's 2001 - 2006). The panel members, who ranged from architects to real estate directors, each gave an overview of their roles and the key considerations and challenges they are facing. Sustainability and the current global economic situation were prominent points of discussion in the Q&A session. Pupils were keen to seek information on investments, the challenges facing the property sector and how their A Levels can translate to a career in the industry.

The evening saw a welcome mix of OLs, guests and Sixth Form pupils, all with a keen interest in the Property sector. The event was a real opportunity for the group to hear about and discuss the latest developments and trends in the sector. Lancing Sixth Formers were also able to discover more about the breadth of options available within the industry and to learn about the particular qualities that employers look for in the recruitment process. Guests then enjoyed some networking and refreshments, exchanging ideas and exploring opportunities.

Brook L (Lower Sixth) said: 'The Property talk was both informative and thought-provoking and gave me an insightful viewpoint on the property business and what it would be like to work in that industry. I spoke to some successful people in that world and discovered any number of facets to a dynamic and environmentally challenged sector'. 

Teodoro B (Lower Sixth) said: 'The Real Estate session was very interesting; I had the chance to talk to many people who work in various areas of that industry and could offer different views. I especially enjoyed talking to Neesha Gopal as she is an architect and has a lot of experience. She was the architect on the Ferrari World in Abu Dhabi and had worked with Zaha Hadid'.

We have been building up a peer-to-peer professional network for OLs and parents since 2007. Our aim is to bring together industry sectors and disciplines and meet regularly to share ideas, make contacts, facilitate career development and create business opportunities for all members of the Lancing Society. We can all benefit from the expertise of our global community and we want to ensure that this resource is available to everyone connected with Lancing.

Natacha Palmer, Foundation Communications Manager