Which A Levels did you study?
I studied Politics, Economics, Business Studies, Design and Technology.
If you went to university, where did you go and what did you study? If you didn’t go to university, what did you do instead?
I went to Brunel University and studied International Business.
What are you doing now and what plans do you have for the future?
After university I spent two years working as a ski instructor in Whistler, Canada. For the past fives years I have been in London, now working in sales in the City.
I am the Global Insurance Sales Manager for a FinTech company. My role involves working with the largest international insurance firms and helping them to increase efficiency, control and governance across key financial processes. We do this using the software platform called AutoRek which is a leading No-Code SaaS finance operations automation solution.
What influence has Lancing College had on your life?
Lancing has had a huge influence on my life. When you arrive at Lancing College in the Third Form you are a child and you leave as an adult; Lancing is part of some of the most pivotal parts of your life. It truly moulded me into the person I am today, giving me the best possible start in life and motivation for the future.
Which hobbies or interests did you pick up during your time at Lancing?
I was always very keen on all sport, particularly cricket and rugby; whilst at the College I enjoyed playing for these teams regularly. I knew when I began studying for my A Levels that I wanted to work in the business world with the long term goal to become an entrepreneur and have my own business. The subjects I studied at A Level are all areas where I have maintained an interest.
Are you still in touch with people you met at Lancing?
Yes, many of my closest friends are those I met whilst at Lancing. I still keep in touch with a lot of people. I was in School House and in my opinion it is the best House! (I may be a little biased)
Which OL activities have you taken part in since you left the College?
I have taken part in the OL annual meetings and young OL events. I have also played for the OL cricket team.
What advice would you give to a new pupil who is about to start at Lancing?
The first couple of weeks might be daunting, but you have a huge amount of fun ahead of you, be sure to make the most of it!