The Half Term Prep School Photography Competition was entered by many children who submitted some superb pieces under the theme of ‘Home and Garden’. The judging has now been completed for the Prep School by a professional artist and photographer.
The results are as follows:
First Prize: William B - Superb image, interesting viewpoint showing great colour and textures in the sky whilst telling the story of these birds in flight. Capturing a sense of freedom in our locked down world.
Second Prize: Alex S - Excellent viewpoint, showing depth of field and giving the impression of it being 'in the wild'!
Third Prize: Purdey M - Original, well observed subject matter, showing a mature understanding of colour and texture combinations as well as good composition to the image.
Runners Up
Amelie K M - Great use of leading lines to draw your eye in and very 'of the moment' subject matter as we are all on our computers at home.
Amelia G - Good observation of shadows and how these shapes interact with the paving tiles.
Beatrice D - Great viewpoint capturing the light on the dewy grass & depth to the image.
Many congratulations to these six pupils and thanks go to all who submitted entries. The judge commented on how all the children should be commended for their efforts. We think that the photographs were absolutely beautiful!