As an unashamedly academic school we are committed to providing an environment which challenges and encourages all pupils to maximise their potential, including pupils who we identify as being more able.
The curriculum is modified for pupils identified as the more able in the school’s population, and also for other pupils who have special talents in sport, drama, music and art.
ISI Inspection June 2022
A more able pupil is one whose ability in any subject is significantly and consistently above the expectation for their age. More able pupils are provided with extension and enrichment opportunities within lessons, school activities and through participation in competitions and events with which our school is involved.
These opportunities are not necessarily exclusively offered to those pupils on our A, G and T list as we recognise the part interest and enthusiasm can play in achievement; a child who is intrinsically interested in science or who has a passion for history may well enjoy these challenging activities too.
This year we are thrilled to have taken our teachers understanding of how to develop and enrich young people to the next level by joining NACE. The National Association for Able Children in Education offers a wealth of resources and learning opportunities and we are proud to be a part of this excellent organization. NACE recommends that emphasis is placed on high expectations and high-quality, challenging teaching for all, with more able learners’ needs met largely through quality-first teaching with an ethos of teaching to the top.