The Hive Online

At Lancing Prep Worthing, we are committed to promoting positive mental health and emotional wellbeing to all pupils, their families, members of staff and governors. Our open culture allows pupils’ voices to be heard, and through the use of effective policies, procedures and initiatives, we aim to ensure a safe and supportive environment for all. 

The Hive is the Wellbeing Hub of our school. It is split into two areas: Learning Support and Wellbeing. 

Our Wellbeing Room is a calm, safe space for the children to come and has an open-door policy. The children can come at morning break and lunch time to talk with a trusted adult about anything that they are struggling with or to have a moment to regulate and rebalance if they are feeling overwhelmed and need some time away from the busy school day. 

Our Learning Support room is calm, encouraging, and supportive, where children can work on developing their academic skills and learn to develop new learning strategies or techniques.  This is to support and develop children, from their individual starting point(s). More information about Learning Support can be found under the SENCO tab.

We can offer children individual, tailored ELSA programmes by a trained ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant), whose role is to support children in school who are struggling to understand and regulate their own emotions. Many children experience difficulties with: identifying, understanding and expressing emotions and feelings; self-esteem; anxiety; anger management; social skills; friendships, trauma and bereavement, transition, and change; and general wellbeing. Though these interventions, they will have someone who will listen to them, they will be supported and learn skills to help them manage and regulate in the future.



Miss Bennett

Miss Bennett -SENCO, Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs Brown

Mrs Brown- Wellbeing Lead, ELSA, Mental Health First Aider



Parent Resources

ELSa (Emotional literacy support) 

zones of regulation

Wellbeing newsletter