The Autumn Term has been a busy one and we have had many special moments together as a school community. There have been many gatherings, activities, and events. We have been busily working on new projects, alongside continuing our usual and important traditions.
We celebrated Harvest with our Nursery, Pre-School and Pre-Prep children reading poems and singing songs, and as always, they were quite magical. Our older pupils in the Prep school came together at St Mary’s Church, and again, we had so many families supporting that the collection for a local homeless charity, Turning Tides, was bursting with offerings.
On 3 October, the entire school including our Nursery, celebrated National Poetry Day, which was glorious. Our children in Reception giggled and rolled around with glee as Mrs Stephens read Michael Rosen’s poem Don’t. Mrs Richards used poetry by Paul Perro to teach Year 5 about the Tudor Kings and Queens, and pupils in Year 7 brought in their favourite poems from home to read aloud in class. There were funny poems, nonsense poems, original poems, WWI poetry that made us wince and think, poems about pigs, and poems about bearded dragons. The pupils listened as their friends performed works from Shakespeare, Tennyson, A A Milne, Lewis Carroll, and Wilfred Owen. They also had an in-class recital of The Highwayman that had everyone on the edge of their seats and a very short ‘one-word’ poem by Muhammed Ali.
The LPWA firework event was bigger and better than ever, and we were blessed with a beautiful, crisp, and clear evening. Great fun was had by all, and I am incredibly grateful to all our families who planned and supported the event.
We have continued to welcome many visitors and speakers into the school. Some highlights have included a gymnast that represented Britain in the Olympics, a police officer, a doctor, Sussex firefighters, an actor, and an historian for Ancient Greece Day. On this day, dressed as Ancient Greeks, the children learnt all about the warring city-states, democracy, Greek legends, culture, and warriors. They got to see and hold some weapons and were delighted to finish off the day with a mini- Olympics, which even their teachers, Mrs Steele and Mrs Snook, took part in!
Our pupils have also been out and about exploring new places to support their learning. Some of our Year 1 and 2 children participated in a live
audience as part of a CBBC pilot music programme, Year 2 spent the day at Arundel Castle, Year 5 at the Weald and Downland Museum, and Year 7 at Battle Abbey.
Our House system, led by the inspiring Miss Townsend, has been extraordinarily busy with House meetings, House charities, House crests designed by our pupils, and the introduction of House Captains and Deputies. We have continued to work hard on finding ways to hear our pupils’ voices. Just some have been through anonymous surveys, focus groups, and, of course, through our established and important Student Council, Food Committee, Green Team, and Anti- Bullying Committee. Pupil voice is essential in creating a vibrant and inclusive environment, and we want our pupils to have many opportunities to take on leadership roles, to feel invested in their education and their surroundings, and to know that they have the power to make positive change. As our third school aim communicates, to Go Out into the World and Do Good.
This term was the start of our extended provision of Forest School into more year groups. During the sessions the children’s creativity has really shone through. Just some of their activities have included making delightful ‘log dogs’ from fallen branches, giving them a unique furry friend to keep at Forest School, and learning to tie knots in the process, and rolling up their sleeves to create a handwashing station, ensuring everyone stays clean and safe whilst having fun in the outdoors. Weekly Forest School for our Nursery, Pre- School, Reception, Year 1 and 2 children is an important way for them to connect with nature, build teamwork skills, and spark their imaginations.
Our Global Friendship Club pupils sent their first friendly packages to the schools that they are in contact with in the USA, France, Greece, Poland, Moldova, and Romania. The children have already received a response from Valcea in Romania thanking them. This group has lots of exciting plans for the next two terms.
Year 7 and 8 pupils have spent their Thursday afternoons at Lancing College for their weekly modern foreign languages and carousel activities. I am thrilled with the carousel activities that are on offer for our pupils this term, which have included dance, music and singing, time on the Lancing College Farm, and Design and Technology. The pupils really value these afternoons. At the end of the term, we all came together for our Christmas celebrations at Lancing College Chapel, where our orchestras and chamber choir gave stunning performances and pupils eloquently read poems and readings.
The many festive celebrations and events kept the children bubbling with excitement through the cold weather, and to ensure that they feel excited for January, which can feel to some a rather dreary month, we shall kick it off with our annual LPW’s Got Talent competition.