The Physical Education curriculum and the Games programme enables all pupils to participate in a wide range of sporting and physical pursuits. In Science pupils are taught about the need for a balanced diet and healthy eating. This is further reinforced by the staff team who monitor lunch times and occasionally through assemblies.
The Lancing Prep Worthing curriculum for Physical Education aims to:
- Develop social co-operation and positive attitudes to compete with a sense of fair play.
- Promote and develop safe practice in physical activities.
- Promote physical activity, physical development and a healthy lifestyle.
- Promote equal opportunities for children regardless of their ability.
- Provide opportunities for all children to reach and fulfil their potential.
- Provide enjoyment and a sense of fulfilment that will encourage a purposeful use of leisure time now and in the future.
Teaching Approach
All pupils are taught by a specialist PE teacher. In Reception and Year 1 pupils are taught the basics of games, dance and movement which lay the foundations for later years in the various sports on offer at Lancing Prep at Worthing.
In Year 2 pupils look at some of the major games, such as tag rugby and uni-hoc, and differentiation in groups starts to take place. Dance, gymnastics and swimming are also taught throughout the year.
Prep pupils are grouped into juniors (Years 3 and 4) and seniors (Years 5, 6, 7 and 8) for block afternoon lessons of Games. Pupils focus on different major sports each term: football, hockey, tag rugby, cricket, netball and rounders. All pupils have opportunities to play in fixtures and tournaments against other school teams from Year 3. In Years 6, 7 and 8 these occur every Wednesday afternoon. House matches and competitions also take place throughout the school year.
Within Physical Education lessons the emphasis is still on the major sports, dependent on term, but more skills and tactics are taught and used within each sport. Master classes in the major sports take place at Lancing College, with visits from coaches also taking place at the school.
Pupils who show the potential for excellence in and passion for sport are expected to work hard in lessons, be a good role model for their peers, take the lead in warm-ups and stretching before fixtures, show commitment to playing in fixtures and (in senior year groups) attending master classes which senior schools offer throughout the year and demonstrate leadership (captaincy) skills.
Children are encouraged to enter national standards competitions such as Super Skills, 5-Star and BAGA award schemes.
A biennial residential trip to PGL in Guildford, Surrey is offered to pupils in Years 3 to 5. This trip offers pupils the opportunity to experience outdoor pursuits, that we cannot provide within the grounds at the school, such as climbing, abseiling and quad biking.