Wraparound Care

We offer busy parents Wraparound care at the beginning and end of the school day during term-time for our younger children. Our Wraparound care is designed to be relaxing for the children and provides a high quality out of school childcare service in a safe, welcoming environment. The emphasis is on having fun and providing a positive experience. We aim to produce not a ‘curriculum’ but a ‘programme of opportunities’.

Children are supervised at all times by qualified and experienced staff, who encourage them to participate in the various activities whilst respecting individual preferences. There is always a Paediatric First Aid trained member of staff present.

In the morning, Wraparound for Pre-Prep children opens at 8.00 and runs until registration begins at 8.30.

Pre-Prep pupils will be cared for until 16.00 in Wraparound on the odd occasions when parents are unavoidably detained. All pupils may then stay on in Wraparound until 18.00. For the younger children, who stay on in school until 18.00, Wraparound care is provided by the Nursery & Pre-School staff who work with the children in school, so they are with familiar faces.

Charges for Wraparound care are made from 15.30 for pupils in the Nursery & Pre-School and 16.00 for pupils in Reception to Year 2. An evening tea is provided for those still in Wraparound after 5pm and a charge is added for this.

Attendance for term-time Wraparound is on a ‘drop in’ basis and the cost is added to the following term’s invoice.

Wraparound Care Fees (Academic Year 2024/25)

Preparatory – no additional charge

Pre-Preparatory and Pre-School – Term Time Only

£5.50 per hour (or £2.75 per half hour or part thereof).

A charge of £2.85 will be made for tea after 5pm.

Nursery – Term Time Only

£5.80 per hour (or £2.90 per half hour or part thereof).

A charge of £2.85 will be made for tea after 5pm.

Any pupils in Years 3 – 8 who remain in school after 17.30, when the after school clubs and activities finish, go to Wraparound. There is no charge made for these pupils.