Years 1 & 2


Within our small classes the teachers provide a positive and stimulating learning environment, which enables the children to develop as individuals whilst working as members of a close-knit community. We believe that learning - especially for the younger pupils - should be engaging, relevant and fun!

Pupils acquire increasingly sophisticated study skills as they move through the school. Pupils of all ages learn to think logically and apply their skills to new challenges.

ISI Inspection, June 2022

Literacy and Numeracy

There is a strong emphasis on reading and most children read fluently, with reading ages well in advance of their chronological age, by the time they move into the Prep School. An early start is made with independent and creative writing; children practise the grammatical and spelling skills needed to become confident, capable writers who are able to produce coherent prose for a range of purposes in the later stages of their education. Checklists of literacy skills are kept for each pupil, and children’s progress is carefully monitored.

In numeracy, we emphasise practical and investigative work. A well-established mathematics scheme is followed and supplemented by other high quality resources. Numeracy is well resourced with practical apparatus and games which promote a secure grasp of mathematical concepts. Regular assessment ensures progress is monitored carefully.

Learning Approach

A cross-curricular, topic approach to general subjects is followed in the Pre-Prep, allowing children to develop interest in geography, history, and science. French is introduced in Year 2.

Every class has an interactive whiteboard that is used to complement work across the curriculum and further learning. Children from Year 1 upwards use the IT suite to learn computing, including coding, as well as to support their class work. Children also use our class sets of iPads to enhance their learning.


Physical Education plays an important part in the life of the children and it is taught by a qualified PE teacher. Our structured PE syllabus aims to develop agility, balance and strength.

Music, art, and design technology (DT) form an integral part of the curriculum. In music, children are taught by a music specialist and learn how to play a variety of percussion instruments. Songs and rhythms that help younger children to learn are incorporated into lessons.

Art introduces a wide range of media including clay, paint, pencils, crayons and collage work. Children enjoy their work in DT where a range of materials are used to develop their problem-solving skills.

Educational visits are made throughout the year to places of interest relevant to class studies and many visitors come into school to talk to pupils on a wide variety of topics.

Read More

There is more information available in the Curriculum Overview