Which A Levels did you study?
I studied Biology, Chemistry and Maths.
If you went to university, where did you go and what did you study? If you didn’t go to university, what did you do instead?
I studied Biological Sciences at St Hilda’s College, Oxford University before attaining a Graduate Diploma in Law with Distinction from Sussex University and a Masters with distinction in Law, Business and Management from the University of Law.
What are you doing now and what plans do you have for the future?
I am a lawyer at Enyo Law LLP working in commercial dispute resolution and international arbitration.
What influence has Lancing College had on your life?
My five years at the College were memorable not just due to the outstanding array of experience it was able to offer, but also due to the teachers who encouraged me to engage with those experiences. From playing Beethoven’s Eroica and securing a place at Oxford, to (occasionally) beating Charterhouse on the football pitch, I shall always be indebted to Lancing for the wealth of experience it has afforded me. These opportunities have encouraged me to seek that diversity of experience in my day-to-day life beyond the College and, as a result, I feel as though I live a genuinely varied and full life.
Which hobbies or interests did you pick up during your time at Lancing?
During my time at Lancing I became a keen footballer and I continue to play now with Lancing Old Boys football club. Additionally, going on Mr Smith’s famous Malawi trip, in which a riotous holiday was perfectly interwoven with numerous charitable exploits, supported by the College staff and students, has instilled in me what I anticipate to be a life-long passion for organising holidays with an ethical or charitable angle.
Are you still in touch with people you met at Lancing?
As is the way with life, staying in touch with old friends is never easy. Fortunately, as a regular player with the OL football club I see many other OLs on a weekly basis. The best thing about such clubs is you get to socialise with people outside of your immediate age-group, which is a great way to make new friends.
Which OL activities have you taken part in since you left?
Lancing Old Boys Football Club (LOBFC). I also regularly attend the YOLs drinks and the AGM and Summer Party in London which is a great time and way to meet old and new friends and network.
What advice would you give to a new pupil who is about to start at Lancing?
Don’t underestimate the sheer wealth of opportunities such a school can give you. It is a genuine privilege to attend this school, not just because of the opportunities, teachers or friends you will encounter, but because so few people have the chance to experience an education such as this. Try new things and make the most of every opportunity.