The new Entrepreneur Club has started this term, students can now choose from over 120 different activities to complement their all-round education at Lancing.  

In this first term of development the Club is open to Lower Sixth pupils and the intention is to make it available to all year groups from September. The Club has been established as part of the My Future programme and aims to give pupils an insight into what it takes to set up and run a successful business. This term students will hear from OLs who have set up their own business, as well as getting to set-up and run their own pop-up catering business for a day using Lancing’s own catering vehicle 'Polly'. 

In their second week, OL Oliver Sanchez Fretz (School House 2012–2017) attended and spoke to pupils about his experience setting up and running his own lighting and video products business. Ollie studied Economics, Politics and History for A Level and went on to study Modern History after a Gap Year working. He credits Lancing for giving him confidence and interpersonal skills which have been essential in setting up and building his business. 

Ollie shared his journey with students, setting up his company Fretz Productions and trying to work whilst being at university. Part of the discussion also focused on his points of learning to date, how the pandemic had impacted his business and his ambitions for the future. Students were engaged and asked insightful questions about different aspects of his business. 

In the next few weeks students will start working on their own plans to run their new business venture. The early brainstorming has seen them discuss location, dates, pricing and product approach, supply chain and market research.  

Watch this space for more news on what the Entrepreneur Club gets up to!