Public Examinations - Information for Parents

The school prepares pupils for the following public examinations:

GCSE/IGCSE: nine or ten subjects are taken at the end of the Fifth Form (Year 11). These are now graded  9 – 1, however, there are a few legacy IGCSEs and FSMQ Additional Mathematics that remain on the A*- G grading system.

The chart below shows how the new numerical grades match to the old alphabetical grading system.

New Grading SystemLegacy Grading
9A* (top 5% nationally)
5C (a high pass)
4C (a pass)

Upper Sixth (Year 13) students generally take three or four subjects. These could be Advanced Level GCEs, Business BTEC or Sports BTEC. These are examined in the summer of their final term.

The school is a Centre for public examinations ONLY in the summer of an academic year. Past leavers will be able to retake A Levels in the following summer, subject to continued availability of the specifications and payment of the charges.

Examination Timetables: an outline timetable is uploaded onto the Exam Sections on the VLE, website and Parent Portal early in the Advent Term. Student entries are shown in the ISAMS app from early February and the timetables shortly afterwards. Adjustments are made to the allocated rooms and seats and final timetables are available prior to the Easter holiday. It is very important that the details on these are checked carefully. The timetables show which specifications, as well as the date and time, of each exam. All exam entries are made under the pupil’s legal name.

The Joint Council of Qualifications (JCQ), who oversees the majority of exams, issues a number of notices that can also be found in the Exams Sections. Pupils are reminded of these regulations during internal exams, at Year Group meetings and at the beginning of every exam. It is imperative that candidates are familiar with the regulations as we are required to report any contravention to the Awarding Body and this may result in disqualification.

Clashes: JCQ regulations state that a candidate can undertake a maximum of 3 hours of exams in one session (morning or afternoon) and up to 6 hours for A Level or 5 ½ hours for GCSE in one day. If a candidate has more than one exam scheduled to start at the same time, the start time of one of the exams (generally the shorter) will be adjusted. The candidate will be isolated between the exams. This will be shown on their personal timetable and the Exams Office will notify the candidates explaining the procedure. Candidates may bring revision materials when isolated over lunch.

Exams begin at 9.00am and 1.30pm. Candidates must wear academic uniform. Pupils must be outside the exam room 15 minutes before the start of the exam. Seating Plans are displayed outside the exam rooms and candidates must sit in the correct seat.

It is the candidate’s responsibility to bring to the exam any materials that are required for the paper, eg black pens, calculators, ruler, maths equipment. These must be in a clear see through pencil case. A small bottle of water is permitted, no food.

Non Examined Assessment (NEA) this term incorporates Coursework, Practicals and Controlled Assessment. These also come under the JCQ regulations and pupils must ensure they continue to follow the regulations, particularly in respect to plagiarism.

NEA that is marked within Centre is internally moderated and then submitted to the Awarding Body. Heads of Department will notify candidates of the mark determined internally. Pupils may appeal against this mark if they believe the mark scheme has not been applied correctly or they believe there has been a wider problem with the teaching and learning of the component. Details of the Appeals Policy can be found below.

All NEA are moderated externally by the Awarding Body and marks can be adjusted.

Examination Results: A Level, BTEC and GCSE results are made available to the school towards the end of August. Precise dates are announced in the calendar, in the newsletter and on the Parent Portal. Results are uploaded to the Student Portal of the ISAMS app early on results day.

Heads of Departments, Deputy Head Academic, Assistant Head Academic and Housemasters/mistresses are available on Results Day and by email or appointment on subsequent days.

Reviews of Marking: Advice and information about requesting copies of scripts and requesting reviews of marking are distributed to pupils and parents at the end of the Summer Term and with the distribution of Results. Applications must be done via the school. Heads of Departments can advise whether a review of marking is worth considering.

Examination Certificates: These arrive in school in November. These certificates are very valuable documents and are costly to replace. Many Awarding Bodies no longer provide replacements, only a statement certifying the results.
Our normal policy for leavers is to send these by a recorded delivery system. This means that they have to be signed for on receipt.
Pupils who are still in school will receive their certificates in House. Again they must be signed for.
Occasionally, the delivery is unsuccessful and the certificates are returned to the school. The Exams Office will attempt to contact the pupil to arrange collection. JCQ advise that certificates uncollected after 12 months should be confidentially destroyed.

For general enquiries relating to exams please email

Exam Timetable

Examinations - Policies and Procedures


Contingency Plan

Emergency Evacuation Policy

Internal Appeals POLICY

Non-Examined Assessment Policy

Special Consideration Policy

Complaints and Appeals Procedure


Health & Safety WeLFARE POLICY

Absent Candidate Policy

Candidate Arriving Late Policy