We support pupils identified as of high ability, exceptionally gifted or talented in a number of ways. Their teachers know the pupils well, both as characters and learners, and we seek to provide them with learning opportunities appropriate to their abilities, whilst ensuring that they are well-looked-after, socially and emotionally.
All abilities are well catered for. The more able are identified and challenged with appropriate tasks matched to extend their learning.
ISI Inspection March 2015
Aiming high
Our school aims to seek out and nurture a talent in every one of our pupils. The success with which we do so means the Able, Gifted and Talented register could contain almost the entire school! The good practice ingrained in our school ethos ensures that we offer exciting enrichment opportunities, such as trips and talks, to benefit all our pupils, whilst also catering for our most able pupils with a variety of additional classes and workshops.
Our Able, Gifted or Talented pupils are those who, in our curricular provision, would ‘benefit work of a kind suited to their highly-developed capabilities’. We define an academically gifted pupil as a child whose ability in English or Mathematics is measured as significantly and consistently above the expectation for their age and a more able pupil as a child whose ability in English and Mathematics is consistently above the expectation for their age.
A talented pupil is defined as a child who demonstrates artistic, dramatic, creative or sporting excellence. We provide opportunities for talented pupils to participate in more challenging activities in Art and DT; to benefit from specialist coaching in one or more sports; to perform in choirs or ensembles which will challenge them musically; or to play increasingly complex parts in Drama.
Monitoring success
We regularly monitor the progress and successes of our Able, Gifted and Talented pupils, which are reported on annually to the Governing Body Education Committee.
… the more able pupils make good, and in some cases rapid, progress as a result of the excellent support that they receive.
ISI March 2015