PSHE covers a whole range of topics which relate directly to the skills of everyday living and to key life choices concerning values, ways of living and relationships. PSHE is taught weekly, using expertise from within the school, a range of external speakers and resources. In all year groups the key areas of self-awareness, citizenship, and health and inter-personal skills are covered and age-appropriate.
Personal, social and health education (PSHE) makes a strong contribution to curricular provision and promotes the pupils’ personal development throughout the school.
ISI Inspection March 2015
About the Curriculum
The programme of study at Lancing Prep Hove covers Key Stages 1 to 3 and is based on the three core themes of Health and Wellbeing, Relationships and Living in the Wider World. Within these themes there is broad overlap and flexibility. The programme groups the units to be taught and Years 1 and 2 follow the same units.
It is a two year programme which allows for a wider and deeper coverage of PSHE education and Citizenship and is divided into twelve half-termly topics, six in Year A and six in Year B. The focus in Year A is mainly on personal and interpersonal relationships and health issues. This is widened out in Year B to include social and economic relationships, including international relationships.
Teaching Approach
A variety of approaches are employed, including but not limited to:
Speaking and listening games/activities; warm-up and ending games/activities; discussion; problem-solving; drama and role-play; real life stories; use of puppets; use of story books; use of photographs; listening to a visiting speaker or visiting a place of interest; working with feelings and imagination and opportunities for reflection.
Staff are encouraged to follow up PSHE matters with the pupils in their care.