We have a healthy eating policy at Lancing Prep Worthing and seek to educate our children about the importance of good nutrition for their wellbeing. This is taught as part of PSHEE and in the culinary activities pupils undertake in our well-equipped Food Nutrition room. We put this policy into practice in the meals and snacks that we provide for our pupils.
Parents are asked to complete the appropriate section in the Medical Record Form if their child has any allergies or dietary issues. We also expect pupils and parents actively to share information about any food allergies at the point of being offered or sharing food, or of making food choices, for example in the Dining Hall, on school visits, trips or expeditions.
Lunch is an important occasion when staff and pupils meet together informally to share a meal in our school hall which offers a cafeteria type service. Lunch is provided for in the school fees. All children are served a cooked lunch which our catering team prepares on site, wherever possible from fresh ingredients that are locally sourced. Parents receive a menu for the week ahead with each news briefing so they can see what their child will be eating each day.
Our catering team makes every effort to avoid using products that contain nuts or nut oils within their ingredients. We are not able to guarantee that all products contain no nut traces. All foods containing allergens are clearly labelled at the point of service. Any pupil or parent concerned about the items being served should speak to the catering team.
To view what is on offer, here is an example of our weekly menu.
Children are encouraged to bring in a healthy snack for morning break. We would suggest fresh fruit, raw vegetables, cheese or dried fruit. Please do not allow your child to bring nuts to school under any circumstances.
As part of our healthy eating policy, pupils are not permitted to bring into school unhealthy snacks, such as sweets, chewing gum, chocolate bars or crisps.
For those pupils in the Prep School (Years 3 to 8) who are staying after the end of the school day for after school clubs or to complete homework, we offer a light snack from 16.00 to 16.15 served in the dining hall or weather permitting, outside. Fruit is provided during Wraparound care.
Light match teas are served after home school fixtures.