Pastoral Care

Excellent pastoral care is central to our work at Lancing Prep Worthing and all children are known and valued as individuals.

The form tutor has the prime responsibility for the pastoral care of the pupils in his or her class and should be the initial contact for any issues of parental concern. All teaching staff are available on email during the working day.

The Learning Support room is known as 'The Hive' and our Wellbeing Team are based there, along with our SENCO. There is an ELSA trained assistant who works with children who are in need of any additional support and pupils know that it is a haven where they can, if they wish, talk about any concerns they have. The Wellbeing Team publish termly newsletters to support children further outside school. There is more about The Hive here

Last year we introduced a proactive whole-school approach to increasing students’ emotional literacy and improving individual emotional regulation, understanding, and resilience, The Zones of Regulation. This aims to provide our children with the vocabulary, understanding, and confidence to express their emotions and to use strategies to help them regulate. See the poster below for more information. 


The SENCO is responsible for pastoral care throughout the school and issues of serious concern are referred to her. 

For more information about the Hive or wellbeing at Lancing Prep Worthing, please click here

The school provides a safe environment in which pupils are confident to share any concerns.

ISI inspection June 2022