The Prep School opens at 8.10 when children are welcomed into the playground. The school cannot take responsibility for children arriving earlier unless they are registered for our Wraparound scheme which starts at 8.00. Please see our Wraparound Care page for further information and details of cost.
Pupils are supervised outside until 8.30 when they go to their classrooms for registration.
Pre-Prep pupils begin their day in the classroom at 9.00 with a mid-morning break from 10.05 to 10.30. They break for lunch at 12 noon and return to class at 13.15. Years 1 and 2 may attend lunchtime clubs from 12.40 to 13.10. There are staggered finishing times as follows:
Nursery & Pre-School: 15.30 (all day and afternoon only sessions)
Reception: 15.30
Years 1 and 2: 15.45
Optional after school clubs run for pupils in Years 1 and 2 from 15.45 to 16.30. Reception pupils may attend after school clubs in the Spring and Summer Terms.
Wraparound care for Pre-Prep pupils runs from 16.00 to 18.00. Please see our Wraparound Care page for further information and details of costs. Pre-Prep pupils may attend Wraparound Care up to 16.00 free of charge.
Prep pupils are taught in lessons of 35 minutes from 8.40. Some lessons are taught in double blocks. Morning school comprises seven lessons with a morning break from 10.25 to 10.45. Lunch runs from 12.55 to 14.00. Afternoon school comprises three lessons, with games sessions taking place twice a week.
The Prep School day finishes at 16.00. From 16.15 to 17.15 we offer optional clubs and a homework room for pupils who wish to do their homework at school. From 16.00 to 16.15 a light snack is provided for those pupils staying after school. Pupils are supervised by staff at the school gate until 17.30, after which time they go to Wraparound care until they are collected.