Plans to become qualified as a lawyer in Hong Kong after graduating from the University of Warwick
Cliff Chan

When did you join Lancing College?

I joined Lancing in the Sixth Form.

Which subjects did you study for A Level?

I studied Economics, Mathematics, Biology and Psychology.

Where did you go to university and what did you study?

I am currently a final year law student at the University of Warwick.

What are your plans for the future?

I am planning to get my qualification as a lawyer in Hong Kong after I graduate from Warwick.

How has Lancing helped you get to where you are now?

Lancing College shaped me into a more independent person. I was able to manage my own time between studying and doing other extra-curricular activities such as participating in the football team at Lancing. The free time I had allowed me to participate in sports whilst also focusing on my A Level exams.

Did you pick up any hobbies or interests during your time at Lancing?

I started playing Football and Basketball at Lancing.

Have you kept in touch with people from Lancing?

Yes, I still keep in touch with friends I made during my time at Lancing.