Learning about and supporting different communities is something that Lancing pupils really enjoy getting involved in during their time at Lancing.
Pupils can participate in community service in many different ways as part of their own timetable or by taking part in a wide range of College or House initiatives. The Lent Term is designated as Charities Term; this is when the whole school community actively thinks big, with creativity, and beyond the bounds of Lancing.
Every other year, a group of Lancing pupils spends all of July in Malawi, working with our linked schools, hospitals’ and clinics, as well as spending time in local villages.
About the Lancing Outreach Programme
The Outreach Programme runs every Thursday for Fifth and Sixth Form pupils.
Projects include work with the young and the elderly. Pupils assist with class activities in schools, mentoring pupils in subjects such as Maths, and they also support the elderly in a couple of Day centres in Worthing and Shoreham. A large group of pupils with special needs from Hillside School visits the college weekly, spending time with our pupils and working on environmental projects, as well as with the animals on the College Farm.
The highlight of the year is the annual strawberry tea that is held at the College for all those elderly people who are visited regularly by the pupils.
Pupils soon find that such work is as much about receiving as it is about giving and they greatly enjoy these busy afternoons.
Outreach does much to broaden understanding and tolerance in the College, as well as forging links with the local community.
Enrichment and Extension
There are numerous ways in which pupils can get involved in the wider College activities especially during Charities Term where pupils plan and develop a wide range of fundraising activities for their chosen charities.
Lancing also has a long standing commitment to support a hospital and three children’s homes in Malawi.
Monies are raised principally through an annual sponsored walk and individual fundraising efforts by pupils going on the biennial Lancing expeditions. Retiring collections from plays, concerts, Sixth Form Centre fundraisers and other College based events, as well as generous donations from individuals and organisations further augment fundraising activities.
Opportunities also exist for pupils to include community work as part of the Duke of Edinburgh's Award programme.
All pupils participate in voluntary work through the planned curriculum so that pupils develop a sense of community and service in line with the school’s aims. Pupils readily respond individually or collectively to opportunities to contribute to the wider world.
ISI Report, October 2023