In the Art School at Lancing College, we aim to encourage each student to discover what Art can bring to them as individuals. Since Art is a reflection of life, there is something for every student to engage with creatively, intellectually or personally.  

We seek to make connections with other aspects of the curriculum as well as with extra-curricular life. There is scope to take the subject to Advanced level and beyond, with rigour, depth and dedication.  

Art is also a route to self-discovery, a vehicle for examining the world around us and a means of exploring the fundamental truths of human civilisation. Art can provide the chance to take creative risks, to experiment and play with materials: Art at Lancing is also, importantly, about having fun! 

About the Curriculum

This fine art course promotes learning as pupils are introduced to a variety of experiences that explore a range of fine art media, processes and techniques, through both traditional means and new media.

Pupils will explore the use of drawing for different purposes, using a variety of methods and media on a variety of scales including: drawing and painting, mixed-media, sculpture, ceramics, installation, printmaking, textiles and photography. Pupils may explore a combination of overlapping areas. 

Learning approach

Art pupils are encouraged to arrive with an open mind to the subject. In almost all art activities pupils are required to use independent thought and reasoning skills. The department places great emphasis on the individual and careful analysis of the individual’s progress enables everyone, regardless of aptitude, to be challenged and to work to their strengths.

Portfolio work in the Sixth Form aims to further develop pupils’ skills gained at GCSE as they take complete ownership of their project work; this allows independence and individuality to flourish and prepares pupils for university and beyond.


Pupils will have the opportunity to study work first-hand in galleries, collections or through visits from artists and art historians. These visits will usually support the work of the particular project. Pupils may also be required to make independent visits to galleries during the holidays. The Department organises one visit abroad each year.

The Department offers a number of clubs and activities for pupils, including architecture, photography, life drawing, textiles and ceramics.


For those who wish to specialise, the Department prepares pupils for entry to Foundation courses in Art or for direct entry to the most competitive art degree courses in fine art, art history, graphic design, photography and architecture.