Pastoral care is taken very seriously at Lancing. Housemasters and Housemistresses, House Matrons and Tutors, Health Centre staff, School Doctors, our two professional counsellors and of course the Chaplain, all provide support for pupils.
Even before pupils join Lancing, our teams are working to ensure that new girls and boys quickly feel at home. This care and attention to the well-being of all pupils lasts throughout a pupil’s time at the school. It is something the entire school community is actively engaged in and is embedded across the school.
The pastoral provision, centred on the house system for boarding and day pupils, is a Significant Strength of the school. Senior leaders and those within the pastoral team demonstrate adept planning and coordination, utilising a wide array of information sources to assess and adapt their methods continuously.
ISI Report, October 2023
Sixth Former Peer Supporters
Every year, 34 Sixth Form pupils are trained as Peer Supporters. They work with and for other pupils and act as a sounding board and safety valve. If any pupils have any concerns or problems which they would feel less comfortable speaking to an adult about, our Peer Supporters are there to give guidance, emotional support or advice.
PSHE Programme for Pupils and Parents
The school timetable has periods set aside for Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) which, as a subject, is tailored to the needs of each year group. These sessions are led by qualified experts and Lancing staff, and are designed to help pupils understand and talk about different and sometimes challenging issues such as: resilience, self-esteem, online behaviour and addiction; all in a safe and informed environment.
A similar programme is also run for parents on Saturday mornings to support them with issues that their children may face. Forthcoming dates are available on the Lancing calendar.
Digital Ambassadors
Lancing has joined a national scheme developed by Digital Ambassadors “to ensure students, staff and parents are able to navigate their way through their digital lives safely and responsibly”. Every year a small number of Digital Ambassadors from the Third, Fourth and Sixth Forms are recruited to help tackle the issue relevant to their age group.
Lancing achieves an excellent balance between the discipline and boundaries needed to ensure the well-being of pupils and the freedom required to have fun develop into a responsible, rounded individual. The levels of politeness and respect among pupils are impressive too...
Parent of new pupil, 2016