Lancing College is a boarding and day school and the education we offer is tailored to the needs of all our pupils, with the same opportunities and richness of experience available to all.
The spread of academic and co-curricular opportunities over the Lancing week brings a dynamic balance to school life. There is a real variation to pace, to activity and to focus, and this gives our pupils the room to think, to explore enthusiasms and to learn. They have the space, physically and mentally, to develop independence, to learn to manage their time and energies and to challenge themselves intellectually.
Our six day week creates a sense of spaciousness and extensive scope for enrichment that we greatly value. We regularly review the shape of the week and how this best fits the learning and the pastoral care of our pupils. In 2016 after consultation with pupils, families and staff, the focus on academic study shifted to the earlier part of the day and adjustments to the timetable created double periods for subjects, such as the sciences, where a longer lesson is beneficial. There are no formal lessons after 15.45 on Monday to Friday, when co-curricular activities take place, and Tuesday afternoon is wholly given over to co-curricular activities and sport. Saturday morning comprises a slightly later start, a tutor period, four timetabled periods and sport fixtures in the afternoon. For boarders, quiet time at weekends is used to catch up on study, go on organised school or House visits, chat with friends or join in House activities.
Lancing is well-known for its all-round approach to education which offers pupils a wealth of co-curricular opportunities with a wonderful chance for learning and personal development outside the academic syllabus. Pupils are encouraged and supported to try new activities as well as develop their skills. Some of these experiences can be life changing.
A Q&A is available below to give an overview to prospective parents:
Q What opportunities will the Lancing Week give my child?
A Pupils have regular Drama, Music, academic enrichment and sports towards the latter end of the day and the huge range of activities, clubs and societies offers something for everyone, every day.
Q When does the school day end for day pupils from Monday to Friday?
A Day pupils may leave at 17.50 but parents of day pupils have the reassurance that their children can, if they choose, stay for supper and supervised Evening School up to 20.30. The Library remains open until 21.30. As pupils go on through the school, staying on in the evenings becomes an increasingly popular choice; they can tackle prep or attend tutorials, take part in clubs, societies and rehearsals, attend debates or concerts, and socialise in the Café or in Houses. This means that free time at the weekend is just that, as the children have the opportunity to complete their school work during the week.
Q What happens during Saturday morning school?
A The atmosphere of Saturday morning school is different to the rest of the school week. It starts a little later than weekday mornings with a tutor period in Houses, followed by four teaching periods. For Fifth and Sixth Formers there is a double period of bespoke PSHE which looks at life skills, careers, discussions, learning strategies and university preparation, delivered by College staff and a prestigious range of visiting speakers and external organisations. Parents also have the opportunity to attend PSHE for Parents as part of the College’s commitment to working in partnership with pupils and parents. The incoming College bus services operate on Saturday mornings.
Q When are sports fixtures played?
A Most fixtures are arranged for Saturday afternoons, as is, of course, also the case for other local senior schools that may not have a formal Saturday school in place but regularly play fixtures on Saturdays. Our fixtures are great informal occasions on which parents mix with staff and gain a real sense of the excellent wrap-around care that the school provides.
Q What if my child has commitments outside of school?
A We are fortunate to welcome into our school family a number of pupils who are elite participants in the sporting and creative spheres. We understand that such pupils may wish to pursue these alongside school life and we encourage them to do so where excellence is involved. For example, a number of our pupils attend Saturday mornings at The Guildhall School of Music & Drama or The Royal College of Music, or participate in sport at a national level. Whilst all pupils are expected to attend Saturday morning school, we are flexible in exploring options with parents and work closely with them to ensure that children are not overburdened by conflicting pulls on their energies. We have considerable expertise in tailoring specific programmes that work for the individuals in our care.
Given the structure of the Lancing week with sports fixtures on a Saturday afternoon, timetabled lessons on a Saturday morning work well. The longer week feels as though it provides more ‘breathing space’ and time to give a more well-rounded experience.
Parent of day pupil