We realise that it is not practical for many OLs and friends to offer Lancing financial support during their lifetime.  A bequest might be easier or more appropriate and a legacy is an excellent, and tax efficient way, to help causes you support and honour the influences that have shaped your life.  A legacy for Lancing will ensure that the College continues to move forward into the future with confidence.

A Legacy is Tax Efficient

Lancing Foundation is a registered charity (charity number 1076483) and as such pays no tax on gifts of money during your lifetime or on your death.  All legacies to Lancing are free from Capital Gains Tax and Inheritance Tax.  If you choose to make a charitable gift in this way you will reduce the total tax liability of your estate to your family.

Under current rules, if you leave 10% or more of your chargeable net estate to charity, the Inheritance Tax rate on the whole of your taxable estate is reduced from 40% to 36%.  More information is provided in this leaflet.

Making a Will is an important step and it is recommended that you seek independent professional legal advice.  If you decide to leave a legacy to Lancing, we would be grateful if you could notify us by completing this legacy gift form.  This is not a requirement but it does assist the College in its long term financial planning.

If you have already made a will it is simple to add a codicil by downloading this form.

If you would like further information please contact Catherine Reeve on +44 (0)1273 465786 or email clr@lancing.org.uk