
The Lancing Scholarship programme enables us to work with parents and schools to identify and foster the potential of gifted children, ensuring that they receive the best possible opportunity to develop their talent. Every year potential Scholars come together for Scholarship assessment days at Lancing; Scholarships are awarded to candidates on the basis of excellence demonstrated through a competitive assessment process. The Awards are made irrespective of financial means and typically attract a fee remission of 5–10%.

Scholars are expected to act as role models and ambassadors for Lancing and will be asked to play a prominent role in their area of specialism. This may well involve performing and demonstrating their talents in front of others both within and outside the school. A pupil may apply for a maximum of two scholarships, but no pupil may benefit financially from more than one award. A Lancing Scholarship is subject to informal annual review which takes place at the end of the school year.

We are delighted to be able to offer a number of Scholarships and other entrance awards at Year 9 and Year 12 entry:

  • Academic Scholarship (Years 9 and 12)
  • Art Scholarship (Years 9 and 12)
  • Drama Scholarship (Years 9 and 12)
  • Music Scholarship (Years 9 and 12)
  • Ken Shearwood Award – All Rounder Scholarship (Year 9)
  • Organ Scholarship (Year 12)
  • Peter Robinson Cricket Scholarship (Years 9 and 12)
  • Sport Scholarship (Years 9 and 12)


Third Form (Year 9) Scholarship Key Dates

Applications for Third Form (Year 9) Scholarships for September 2025 entry will open in September 2024.
The deadline for scholarship applications and supporting documentation is 30 November 2024.
Supporting documentation may not be submitted after the deadline.  

Scholarship Assessment Days for 2025 entry:

  • 20 January 2025 – 13+ Art, Sports & Peter Robinson Scholarship Assessment Day
  • 21 January 2025 – 13+ Ken Shearwood All-Rounder Award Assessment Day
  • 22 January 2025 – 13+ Drama Scholarship Assessment Day
  • 27–29 January 2025 – 13+ Music Scholarship Assessment Days
  • 25–27 February 2025 – 13+ Academic Scholarship Assessment Days

For more information, please contact our Admissions Team:
Telephone: 01273 465 805

Sixth Form (Year 12) Scholarship Key Dates

Applications for Sixth Form (Year 12) Scholarships for September 2025 entry will open in September 2024.
The deadline for scholarship applications and supporting documentation is 20 October 2024.
Supporting documentation may not be submitted after the deadline. 

Scholarship Assessment Days for 2025 entry:

  • 7 November 2024 – 16+ Sports Scholarship Assessment Day
  • 9 November 2024 – 16+ Scholarships Assessment Day (excluding Sport)

For more information, please contact:
Mrs Sabina Pinto, Deputy Admissions Manager (for Year 10–12 enquiries)
Telephone: 01273 465 807

Third Form Scholarship Application Forms

Third Form Music Scholarship Application Forms

Sixth Form Scholarship Application Forms


Facilitating access to a Lancing education to pupils whose families would otherwise not be able to afford the fees forms an important part of Lancing College’s charitable aims. Substantial sums of money are set aside for this purpose each year and many pupils benefit from means-tested support. Bursaries are strictly means-tested and require submission of detailed financial information which is assessed by the College.

Bursaries are only available to pupils who have been awarded a scholarship. 

The value of all scholarships, exhibitions and other awards may be enhanced according to financial circumstances. In making entrance awards we are looking to focus on potential rather than on current achievement. Parents wishing to apply for additional financial support (a bursary) must do this at the same time as applying for the scholarship. Failure to do this could severely restrict any bursary funding. In assessing financial circumstances, we use the standard procedure recommended by the Independent Schools’ Bursars Association. 

In the first instance, questions about bursaries can be addressed to the Director of Admissions via the Admissions Office (01273 465 805,
Indication for the need of financial assistance should be made on the registration form.