GCSE Selection

GCSE Choices Booklet 2024

Students should select one subject from each of the option blocks in the GCSE Options Grid 2024 below.


Changes to the Lancing Week were implemented in 2016 to optimise the effectiveness of the school day at Lancing and to make the best of the teaching and learning opportunities of our pupils.

In 2017, the programme was further enhanced with additional teaching time dedicated to English and Mathematics.

In the Third Form, all pupils follow a tailored programme of study which is aimed at ensuring they can develop their study skills, explore their interests, all whilst gaining a core understanding in all their subjects, ready to have informed discussions about GCSE choices at the beginning of the Summer Term.

In the Fourth Form all students continue to study the core subjects of English Language, English Literature, Mathematics, the Sciences and Religious Studies. Set 1 mathematicians also take the OCR Additional Mathematics course. 

Students then select four optional GCSE subjects to complete their programme. *One of these options is to study three separate Sciences: Biology, Chemistry and Physics (three GCSEs), as opposed to Biology, Chemistry and Physics as part of Combined Science: Trilogy (two GCSEs).

All students whose first language is English must choose at least one language (French, Spanish, German, Latin) among their options.

Pupils make early choices for A Levels in the Lent Term of their Fifth Form

Pupils’ progress and attainment is high at GCSE and A level as a result of effective planning and teaching. Leaders are self-reflective and use current research and information to adapt school practice and to inform school improvement. Pupils study a wide range of subjects with leaders regularly monitoring pupils’ progress and achievement to provide additional help and to help pupils make good progress.

ISI Report, October 2023