What A Levels did you study?
I studied English, Business studies, Design and Technology and Photography at A level.
If you went to university, where did you go and what did you study? If you didn’t go to university, what did you do instead?
I am currently completing my fourth year at The Nottingham Trent university studying BA Product design. I am on a sandwich course and spent my third year on industrial placement working as a technical designer for the UK’s top luxury kitchen company, Roundhouse Design which gave me a vital insight into the professional world.
What are you doing now and what plans do you have for the future?
Currently I am focusing on completing my finals before hopefully going into consultant design work focusing on industrial design projects.
What influence has Lancing College had on your life?
Lancing had a huge impact on my life it showed me I could do whatever I wanted professionally and gave me a great leg up when applying to university. I was also able to continue with my interests outside of the classroom throughout my time at the College and was fully supported to do this.
What hobbies or interests did you pick up during your time at Lancing?
Lancing was a brilliant place to practice sports and hobbies, the structure allowed for serious time to be spent pursuing what you wanted. Shooting, swimming, tennis and cadets dominated my time at school as well as the D of E programmes. I have continued with these interests after Lancing and have won two university championships for swimming and water Polo and I have competed for GB internationally for shooting on multiple occasions and taken part in overseas tours with the objective of winning the next world championships in 2023.
Are you still in touch with people you met at Lancing?
I formed a brilliant friendship group while at Lancing, I still speak to them almost every day, and we also have a couple of group calls a month to catch up as well as a few parties a year where we try and get together, normally over the Christmas period and in the summer.
What OL activities have you taken part in since you left (i.e. OL sports events, Business Networks etc.)?
Since leaving Lancing I have taken part in a number of OL sports fixtures against the College as well at other schools who have teams with former pupils. I also work with the College rifle team in the holidays taking them on residential camps as an instructor.
What advice would you give to a new pupil who is about to start at Lancing?
Starting as a new pupil at Lancing I would suggest you throw yourself into as many extra-curricular programs as possible to find what you enjoy doing most - it’s a great way to meet people outside of your own house and lessons and you often have things in common with people who share the same interests as you. And above all else: remember to be kind.