Julian Boag, Field's 1950-1954 (March 2017)

It was said in a line from a song popular among British soldiers during World War I that " Old soldiers never die; they only fade away ". How true this was of Julian who departed from us on 10th March 2017. Although not a military man, during the whole of World War 2 , Julian had fought a painful and ultimately a successful battle against an infection that left him permanently scarred as if, commented one doctor, Julian had been caught in the cross fire of a machine gun. It was with thanks to the Snell family at Mowden Prep School, Headaster Docherty at Lancing and the famous trio in Fields House, Tiger Halsey, Fanny Taylor and Matty that Julian won his spurs. Julian left Lancing a House Captain, a Queen Scout, having completed the 5 mile run, and most importantly with an education that enabled him to qualify as a solicitor and practise Law until very recently. At Julian's funeral, overflowing with the great and the good, Julian's lifelong Lancing friend, Patrick Martin, gave the " eulogy ". It was delivered in a style that defies pen and paper but which would resonate with anyone who had been in Fields House during the days of the great trio. So good was the " eulogy ", I remain convinced to this day that from the heavens above, a famous Fields House voice piped up, " stop imitatin me ". Whether true or not, we may find out when our own day comes, but for now, Julian's legacy of courage, perseverance and survival is a torch carried by those of his immediate family who survive him, his wife Lisa, his five married children and his 8 grandchildren.