Which A Levels did you study?
I studied Physics, Mathematics, Biology and Art.
If you went to university, where did you go and what did you study? If you didn’t go to university, what did you do instead?
I attended the University of Kent to study Astrophysics, Space Science and Astronomy.
What are you doing now and what plans do you have for the future?
After changing between jobs with the Education and Airlines sectors, I am now a Operational Academy member of Schroders, where I am learning Asset Management, Reconciliations, and recently was asked to feature in a launch video for the company. I am getting married (2023) at Lancing College to another OL and plan to make my way in to Environmental and Social Governance within the Finance Sector. I am also working towards my open university masters with modules in space science and environmental decision making. I still do some modelling and music in the form of choral awards and some shows. I am still writing novels but now for my own amusement.
What influence has Lancing College had on your life?
I met the most amazing people at Lancing, including my husband-to-be, and gained skills and knowledge I may not have gained elsewhere. I gained a wide range of knowledge and understanding that is crucial in writing believable fiction and in creating engagement within my working life as well.. The focus on self-motivation is paramount for anyone attempting to go to university or starting up a solo project. Being able to take a step back, think and redirect has been something I learned from the extra-curricular activities I took on at Lancing.
Which hobbies or interests did you pick up during your time at Lancing?
I had the great opportunity to pick up fencing at Lancing which not only is a great sport (at which I gained a bronze medal in Epée) but also helped me make friends. I enjoyed taking part in the school music competition, plays and travelling as part of the choir to cathedrals to sing. I was also part of the rock climbing group and the Combined Cadet Force (CCF) which allowed for me to gain awards and get my first flight as co-pilot.
Are you still in touch with people you met at Lancing?
I keep in touch with a number of Lancing friends. I write to a number of them and meet up regularly and ended dating and marrying one of the OL friends I made.
Which OL activities have you taken part in since you left?
I attended the 40 year anniversary of women at Lancing.
What advice would you give to a new pupil who is about to start at Lancing?
Get involved in everything. Never tried to dance because you're too worried about your image? Don't be. There is life after Lancing and there is no better time to try new things than at Lancing. You'll find like-minded people around and if something doesn't start as cool ... it's surprising how the right people can make it cool. Study hard but use your spare time to widen your interests. Not only will you make new friends, get fit and enjoy yourself but your CV later in life will be more interesting to employers.