House Life Update

Each of our Houses runs a variety of activities throughout the term, many of which have been part of our annual Charities Term to raise funds for charities chosen by the pupils. We include a range of activities throughout the year to appeal for all the different interests amongst the House. Here’s a snapshot of what has happened in Gibbs', Sankey’s, Manor and Saints’ Houses this term. 

Gibbs' House

On Thursday 25 January, the Gibbs’ House-Night-In saw mixed year group teams engaged in a competition to design, build and then launch their own rocket. Basic construction materials were provided, and the boys had half an hour for design and construction. Never was sticky back plastic better deployed. Thirty minutes later, everyone headed excitedly to the launch pad just under the Masters’ Tower. A few swift pumps on the compressed air gizmo courtesy of the Physics Department, 3 – 2 – 1, and LIFT OFF! Flight paths into a deserted Upper Quad varied between the exceptionally short hop (a sturdy 2.5 metres) and the extraordinarily long haul (a stunning 46.5 metres which nearly but not quite assailed the ramparts of Field’s). 

Later that evening, the Gibbs’ Debating Team of Tamilore, Tise and Laurin, competed in the annual House Debating Competition, proposing that “This House regrets the creation of X (formerly Twitter)”. This was a finely paced and well-balanced hour of well-wrought arguments, points of information and rebuttals from Gibbs’ and worthy opponents Second’s; in the end the Proposition carried the day.




In Sankey’s, on House Night In, we had a night of ‘self-care’ – including massage, yoga, meditation, and healthy eating, alongside some craft activities. We all felt thoroughly relaxed and rejuvenated afterwards, especially the Third Form after a busy week of exams. 


Manor House 

Manor House has a plethora of exciting activities planned for the upcoming weeks. On 28 February, the House is off to see The Woman in Black in London, and in March they’re hosting Manor’s Got Talent! Other fun events include Pizza and Prosecco, Cinema Nights, and Bowling. Make sure you’re following us on our social media platforms to see all the photos. 


Saints’ House 

Saints’ House have been taking part in family activities during morning House assemblies. Families are headed up by our U6 House Captains, and the other students are placed in family groups to get to know students beyond their own year groups. In recent weeks, we have iced cupcakes/cookies and decorated fridge magnets. We also have breaktime family brunches, with waffles, pastries, fruit, hot filled rolls, and fruit juice on offer. 

For House Night In, we held a murder mystery set in the 1920s. Who was the murderer? Was it the flirty jazz musician, the disgruntled bar tender, the socialite, or the small-time mobster? Most were fooled, with only one student correctly guessing the identity of the murderer.