Against the Odds ...

The need to keep the whole Lancing community safe has challenged us all to work and behave differently. Teachers and pupils have had to re-imagine activities in the day-to-day rhythm of the school: undimmed creativity, open-mindedness and determination have been evident throughout.

The article below offers just a flavour of how the College has ensured an immensely full programme for all pupils this term.

We prepared over 30 pupils for Oxbridge and MMI

Pupils have prepared for Oxbridge and MMI interviews this term

Over 45 parents, OLs and guests spoke to the Fifth & Sixth Forms about different career options

Careers in Depth seminar for Sixth Formers

Sport fixtures were replaced by inter-year group competitions and specialised training. The Football COVID Cup involved over 300 participants every Saturday.

Football played at Lancing College

In the recorded version of the Advent Concert, pupils from all year groups performed nine different pieces

Recorded version of Advent Concert

The Choir continued to rehearse and perform in ‘House pairs’

Lancing College Chapel Choir recorded concerts and carols

Audiences from across the world attended the Head Master’s Lectures

This term's Head Master's Lectures were attended by audiences in the UK and across the globe

Ensembles have rehearsed in year group bubbles and Lunchtime Concerts have continued

Ensembles recorded pieces for concerts

We celebrated Bonfire Night with fireworks outside the Chapel

We celebrated Bonfire Night with fireworks outside the Chapel 

Drama moved to year group performances with Pint-Sized Pinter, for example

Drama for Sixth Form students

The Catering Team served 26,950 breakfasts, 44,000 lunches and 26,950 suppers!

Lunches at Lancing College


The Co-curricular programme continued throughout the term with over 100 Co-curricular activities. New online activities such as Film Club, eSports and Exploring the Arts were added to the more traditional programme of events. CCF and DofE went ahead with some adjustments and extra measures put in place. A new Scout group was set up as part of the Service options.

New Scouts Explorer group has been set up a Lancing College