Head Master's Welcome - November 2020

Always contemplative, our Remembrance Sunday service was this year marked with a particular poignancy. The Chapel was filled with music and prayer but whereas in a normal year this would be to a packed congregation, the quiet and space echoed with memories and thoughts of the fallen. We crafted a film of the service, released on the day, for parents, staff, OLs and the wider Lancing community.

We are working hard to keep the Lancing community safe and happily, fruitfully occupied. As ever, our energies are also focused on preparing the students for times well beyond the here-and-now; alongside their academic focus (mock exams are just around the corner) in the last week the Fifth Form has continued to look at their journey after Lancing. Having completed their Morrisby careers profiling – a completely bespoke process – last weekend they attended our annual Careers Fair. Held online this year, experts in the fields of Medicine, the Arts & Media, Engineering, Financial Services, Science, Sport, the Charity sector and Civil Service were amongst those offering sessions and there was broad advice on offer for the as-yet undecided or unsure. This is not the end of the process of course, and the threads here will be picked up when it comes to further events and that significant matter of A Level choices.

Those of you who live locally might have seen the latest developments at the front of the Chapel, with the new porch arches now clearly visible behind the scaffold. The Friends of Lancing Chapel and all of us at the College are delighted to have hit the target of £350K – the final phase in the £1.2m fundraising campaign. There is much practical work still to be done but we expect to be able to complete the project – and thus the Chapel – in the spring of 2021. The scale and beauty of the Chapel never ceases to astound and in the images and video elsewhere in this newsletter you will see that the masons are now working at a vertiginous 10 storeys.

With the outcome of the US elections still thumping into the news this week, we are looking forward to having Andy Whitehouse (Sanderson's 1990-1995) as our guest speaker for the Head Master's Lecture on 17 November. Andy has had a distinguished career in politics as a UK Government policy maker and is now based in New York, where among other roles he works as a professor of political communications and crisis management at Columbia University. His expert and incisive analyses of the Presidential Election are not to be missed.

I am grateful to all parents for your continued support through this term. We are keeping a constantly watchful eye on the situation and are working closely with pupils and staff to ensure that the College site and community are as safe as possible. Even as we do things differently, the delight of being here together is absolutely undimmed.