This term for three nights the performance of Boeing Boeing by Marc Camoletti, filled the theatre with pure joy and laughs! Following the story of playboy Bernard Lawrence and his ingenious plan to juggle his three flight attendant girlfriends, we watch his carefully organised ruse unravel due to the commissioning of a new state-of-the-art jet.
What our students had to say ...
The play follows the journey of Bernard, his maid and best friend as they all try to prevent his three (air hostess) fiancées from meeting when the usual routine goes out the window one evening. As a second year A Level student it was so wonderful to be able to spend a night at the theatre away from the piles of revision for some classic slapstick fun. This was only possible thanks to the impeccable comic timing and teamwork from all in the cast! Gabriel C-B had the audience in stitches with his high energy characterisation throughout and the stunning chemistry with Bernard played by Harlan E. Harlan captured the naivety of Bernard, not realising how ridiculous his plan was, brilliantly and perfectly foreshadowing the chaos that ensued for the audience. Matilde G, Grace C and Sophia S played the three air hostesses. Their individual characters and attention to detail made for a wonderful contrast between the three ladies and their accents, German, American and Italian, were spot on! Last, but definitely not least, Elodie B played Bernard’s maid. She stole the audience’s affections every night with her witty and outrageously funny portrayal! Thanks to clever direction from Mr Beeby, Boeing Boeing will certainly go down as one of the greats in Lancing’s theatre history.
Rosalind D

I really enjoyed being a member of the Boeing Boeing cast. As my last play at Lancing it was a lot of fun to take part in, but also taught me a lot about timing and farcical theatre. The role of Bertha was enjoyable and as my mum quotes “the most housework she’s ever seen me do”. I loved this role and can’t wait to see what future senior plays will look like.
Elodie B

Being part of Boeing Boeing has been one of my favourite theatrical experiences. From the very first rehearsal of worrying about accents and the lines, up until the final performance (still worrying about lines!), I loved every manic second. it was a delight to be able to work on it over the course of three months.
Gabriel C-B

It was amazing to be surrounded by inspiring pupils who have already done multiple plays, including musicals at Lancing. Acting with such kind and friendly people made the whole experience even more enjoyable and thrilling. Playing Gretchen and perfecting the German accent was challenging, but as the rehearsals went on, it began to feel fairly natural and rewarding. The entrances and exits definitely keep you on your toes and ensure that you stay focused and energetic throughout the performance. Boeing Boeing required a lot of energy and volume and even with all the long rehearsals, the highly gratifying and fun final performances made it all worth it.
Sophia S

Boeing Boeing was a fantastic experience and I am glad to have shared it with such a great cast. Playing Gloria was a delight because she was funny, very bold and proved to be a timeless character who triumphed having had the last laugh against Bernard. I thoroughly enjoyed the challenge of farce and swiftly learnt the importance of comedic timing bringing the performance to gain the reward we all hoped for - laughter from the audience. This was achieved through the brilliant set, providing the cast with the multitude of doors which was key throughout. We progressed over the course of the rehearsal period and it was great to see the play having come to life, this was a truly memorable experience!
Grace C